The right note
for your big day
It’s my desire that your Humanist Wedding Ceremony turns out to be your favourite memory of the big day. Every word spoken should help create exactly the right note, a note which reflects your commitment to each other as well as your joy and happiness on this special day.
As a humanist solemniser, I am accredited by the Humanist Association of Ireland and my name appears on the list of legal solemnisers at your local registry offices. Because I’m accredited in Ireland, you will be legally married after your ceremony—you’ll enjoy the convenience of everything happening in one place on the same day.

We’ll start with the preparations
Once you have booked your date with me, we will begin the preparations for your wedding day. You, your partner and I will meet so we can get to know each other and discuss your ideas and hopes for your ceremony. I’ll describe all the elements available to you in your humanist wedding ceremony. These include Candle Ceremony, Sand Ceremony, Warming of the Wedding Rings, Celtic Handfast, Vows to your Children and Rose Ceremony, along with an extensive range of readings and reflections.
Then we’ll choose the words
After this meeting, I’ll create a draft script which will be a true reflection of your commitment to each other. We’ll use this script as we continue to collaborate on the shape and content of your ceremony. I will give you an extensive selection of readings, including writings and poems, that are in keeping with your sentiments and will create an idyllic atmosphere on the special day.
We’ll craft a unique experience
All of these choices allow you to personalise your ceremony and to create a unique experience for all present. Whether you invite two guests or 200 guests, the process remains the same and at its core lies your story and your commitment to each other.
From start to finish the ceremony flowed beautifully and you guided us through our nerves with ease.
Gillian & Sean

Runaway Weddings
The year 2020 made many couples rethink their wedding plans and rather than having a big family wedding decided to simply get married quietly with just themselves and a couple of friends or family members and to follow up with a party at some future dates.
These couples have the advantage of the choice of venues which are unusual and normally not big enough to take a typical large wedding groups.
These ceremonies are intimate and relaxed and at their heart they are simply about two people who love each other making promises to each other in front of two witnesses. It is that simple and that lovely!
When every detail matters…
If we haven’t met, you can listen to a sample of my speaking voice to help you plan for your big day.

Exchange of Vows
An Exchange of Vows is a joyful experience and is perfect for a couple whose marriage was legalised in another country or who have had a smaller legal ceremony and now wish to celebrate their love and their union with family and friends. This ceremony is an Exchange of Vows of the Heart and is as moving and heartwarming as a legal wedding ceremony. We will work together to create a ceremony which reflects your joy and happiness in the presence of those you love.
Renewal of Vows
The act of renewing vows serves as a reminder of the reason why these vows were taken in the first place. It allows a couple an opportunity to acknowledge how their years together have built layers of love and experience on top of those early promises. Those promises made in the first flaring up of the fire, without the maturity gained over the years. These mature promises are tempered by the ups and downs which life inevitably brings to couples.
A Humanist Renewal of Vows Ceremony gives couples the freedom to express their love and commitment to each other in a language which is their own. We will work with them to put together a ceremony which reflects their deep love for each other in a gathering of their chosen family and friends. A truly joyful occasion.
Several of our guests asked if you were a friend of the family as the ceremony was so personal and heart felt!
Jane and Julian

When you’re ready to plan your wedding
Decide the date and location of your venue
Book a Humanist Celebrant who is also a legal solemniser
Book your Venue (most venues will insist you book a celebrant first)
Make an appointment with your local Registry Office at least 3 months before your date to obtain your Marriage Registration Form
Once all of these elements are in place, it’s time to get married.
The ceremony was lovely and all of our family & friends commented on how touching a humanist ceremony can be.
Donal & Rebecca

Let’s plan a day like no other
Your wedding day is one of the most important days in your adult life. It deserves to be the most meaningful and delightful occasion. Working together, we’ll create a wedding ceremony that highlights the day and uniquely reflects your happiness and your love. Get in touch and we’ll begin discussing the possibilities for your big day.